Welcome! Thanks for being here.

Wherever you are in your writing journey — whether you’re ready to tighten up your novel for publication or need a hand to guide you through a thick patch of writer's block — I've got your back. I’m here to help usher the story in your heart onto the page in a way that resonates with readers and uplift your authorial voice in a way that feels true to you. Let's partner up!

“All good books are about everything, abbreviated.”

— Andrew Smith, from GRASSHOPPER JUNGLE

Creative Services

Developmental Editing


Copy editing

Query letter critique

Book proposal consultation

Publishing consultation


“Kate is fantastic to work with. Approachable, knowledgeable and happy to explain things when you feel like you're out of your depth . . . Highly recommend!”
— H.T. King, author and publisher at Glass Slipper Publications
“Working with Kate was my first real experience with anyone in the business and I was not disappointed. I got honest feedback on my work-in-progress (early stages) and guidance on the road ahead, which was exactly what I was looking for. It was a fantastic experience.
Kate was great.”
—Dylan Lancaster, author
“I can't say enough about the quality of Kate's editing. Her detailed feedback and thoughtful suggestions helped make my novel so, so much better. Before working with Kate, I had hired a different editor for my same novel and was disappointed with the sparse edits I received. I knew my manuscript wasn't ready for publication, despite the comments in my previous editor's editorial letter. My experience with Kate couldn't be more opposite. Kate provided developmental and copy editing, and her editorial letter broke down countless elements of my novel that were and weren't working (pacing, character development, plot points, etc.). My revised novel is vastly different—and so much better—after working with her.
Best of all, Kate is a gem, and she wants you to succeed. She's encouraging and patient. She's also persistent in her feedback because, with her experience and expertise, she knows what will resonate with publishing houses and readers. I've come to trust and rely on her feedback—I'll definitely be working with her again!”
—Morgan Vega, author
“Kate did a fantastic job steering my pitch in the right direction. Highly recommend!”
—David Tenenbaum, author

“Kate has simply been incredible to work with. I cannot praise her spirit, engagement and professionalism enough!”
—Abierto Reino, author

“Kate's edits have been informative and valuable. Her feedback and the editorial letter were exactly what I was looking for and have given me a good direction to continue improving my story and writing. Her work exceeds expectations. When I needed additional time to deal with a personal tragedy, she understood and didn't constrain the timelines of my revisions.
Highly recommend her work!”
—Aish Moitra, author

“Kate was amazing to work with! My writing and story benefited greatly from working with Kate. Detail orientated and knowledgeable about the craft, Kate helped me take my manuscript to a level that I could not achieve on my own. I 100% recommend working with Kate and cannot put into words how great of a job well done she did.”
—MaKenna Kuhn, author